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Student Wellbeing

The support structures of North West Christian School ensures every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Students thrive when they feel supported and are happy in their learning environment.


Teaching and non-teaching staff are all part of the Wellbeing Support Team. Wellbeing support is supported by, but not the sole responsibility of the Chaplain and Wellbeing Coordinator, Learning Support Coordinator, Head of Primary, Head of Secondary and School Counsellor. This team strives to ensure students are happy and secure in whatever activity they are taking part in, whether social, spiritual, mental, emotional or physical. We have a caring commitment to guide and advise our students to equip them with the skills needed to face the outside world.

Parents are always welcome and are encouraged to contact their child’s homeroom/class teacher, Learning Support Coordinator, Wellbeing Coordinator, Chaplain, Head of Primary or Head of Secondary if they have any concerns or worries. The school also has designated Child Safety Officers who deal with any child protection issues. These are the Principal and Head of Schools.

Our staff meet regularly to discuss and review Pastoral Care practices. The opinions of parents and students are always valued to ensure procedures and practices are relevant.

Our specific features can be seen below.

  • Primary Chapel – each week students come together to learn about God in a fun interactive way through stories, music, and fun activities.
  • Highschool Chapel – each week students come together to learn about God and the world they live in. This happens through stories, music, activities and discussion groups.
  • Bible Studies – if students want to learn more about God more deeply, the chaplain can organise a time for the student to engage in group Bible studies. Students would usually use the World Changer Bible which is very easy to understand.
  • Time with Chaplain – a large part of the chaplaincy role is spending time with students throughout the day by meeting them where they are. This can include spending time with them outside at recess at lunch, providing occasional support in the classroom or sitting down with them when they are struggling. In collaboration with the school counsellor, the chaplain can provide mentorship and support throughout the school year. This is also available to staff and families, as we believe that our students are best supported when our families are supported too.
Student Wellbeing Team

Provides support and opportunities for social-emotional wellbeing through linking students with support services (counselling) as well as prevention training relating to child and adolescent issues

Learning Support Team

Provides support for students and advice and support for staff and parents through, training, creation of Individual Education Plans as well as recommendations for working with a diverse range of learning needs including extension opportunities. The team has access to external support such as speech therapists, occupational therapists and educational psychologists.

Bella Girls Program

Group programs (every Monday) that we run individually:

  • Bella Girls is a program run every week for high school girls which is a social/emotional program that helps young girls develop their confidence and build relationship skills.
  • Bella Girls Junior is a program run every week for primary girls which also helps them develop their confidence and build relationship skills.

We also run a program one-on-one with students who have severe anxiety.

  • BRAVE is an online 10-week program helping young people overcome and manage anxiety.
Calming Regulation Corners

In the student wellbeing area most classrooms are set up with calming corners to support students taking responsibility for their own emotional regulation. The calming corners have sensory aids that help students relax and focus again when they are feeling overwhelmed or have big emotions.

Chillout Hub & Breakfast Club
  • The Chillout Hub every Tuesday and Thursday recess and lunchtime. This is where students from the primary and high school can hang out together and play card games, board games, colour in and read etc.
  • On Monday mornings we also run a free breakfast club that parents are welcome to attend. It starts at 8:20 and finishes at 8:45.
Strength Program

For boys in grades 5/6 and 7/8. The purpose of the program is to equip boys with the knowledge and skills to discover who they are and the person they want to become. The program focuses specifically on three qualities which include Significance, Resilience, and Courage.

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Student Leadership

Student leadership is a key part of our School investing in students to lead and give voice to our student cohort. We aim to develop leadership skills in students from Year 3 up to Year 12. Click on the tabs below to find out more about our leadership programs ⬇️

School Captains are chosen in both Primary and Secondary via a process of nominations, the nominees give a speech to the students and confidential voting takes place. The Captains work as part of a wider leadership team to oversee spiritual, social and fundraising activities at the school.

Each house elects its captains and vice captains at the start of the year. Having School Houses facilitates a sense of team spirit and unity amongst students. This is promoted through the efforts of House Captains and Vice-Captains who are elected by their houses. Their role involves planning and helping coordinate sporting events both at school and off the campus. They are the students who organise and lead the others in their House to ensure that students are getting involved in activities and putting their best foot forward

North West Christian School facilitates care for students’ well-being by supporting their needs and encouraging responsibility. The Student Representative Council (SRC) is one of the many facets the College utilises to guide students in this journey.

The SRC is a committee consisting a supporting teacher, School and House captains, and individuals elected from each class in Primary from Year 3-5 and Secondary from Year 7-11.

SRC members are mentored as leaders. Their role involves demonstrating a commitment to the school and its ethos, whilst practically expressing the school’s special character to better reach the needs of students. To do so, SRC members model correct school uniform and behaviours, they act as a voice for the students, and discuss and plan ways to do so appropriately.

Other practical ways they demonstrate their leadership is through communication, school improvement, as well as supporting or creating functions, events and fundraisers.

Publications and policies

View the policies that guide life at North West Christian School

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