18 Ling Street, Penguin, TAS 7316

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Early Learning

Explore, discover,

imagine, create.

At North West Christian School, each child is provided with a rich learning environment built on exploration, discovery, imagination and creativity.

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Starting Kindergarten

Beginning Kindergarten is a significant moment in the life of your child and in your role as a parent/caregiver. Here at NWCS independence is forged and a new world of exploration, connection and self-awareness opens up. Our aim is to assist you and your child to have a positive and smooth transition to this new chapter and to help you write the beginnings of a successful education story.

Our Philosophy and practice is underpinned by the Early Years Learning Framework – ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’, we incorporate these ideals into everyday learning experiences and promote a caring and safe environment. We care for the development of the whole child and our Christian focused, play-based curriculum encourages and extends growth. Children are encouraged to reach their full potential as individuals, as members of their family and as members of the wider community.

Kindergarten operates from 8:50am – 2:50pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during school terms.